BETRAYAL Episode 31

BETRAYAL Episode 31

what is it again?” i coldly asked Dave when i finally opened my door.I was forced to do so when it became obvious he wasn’t ready to give up knocking on my door. Inorder to stop him from disturbing my neighbours whom i knew were already peeping from their respective door “keyholes” to ascertain where the persistent knock{ing} disturbing them was coming from, and Benjamin whom I also knew heard the noise, i really had no choice than to open my door and face the devil. “what took you so long?” he asked with a smile. “what is it that you want?” i coldly asked again, while my right hand strongly held my door knob, for easy closing of my door incase he tried anything silly. “c’mon baby why the angry look?” he asked with a composed smile. “how can he appear, so calm, well composed and lively after all he just did?” i wondered angrily. “anyway since you don’t want to talk to me, let me go ahead and say what brought me to your room” he added calmly. “i came to apologize because of what happened this evening in Lynda’s room, and i truly did what i did just to prove to you that there is nothing going on between Lynda and i
anymore even though i do regret hitting her so hard” he tried to explain, but his explanation and apology only got on my nerves and infuriated me more. “you didn’t just hit the poor girl hard, you also tried to kill her, and never you say that you did such a stupid thing to prove your nonsense love to me, i never sent you on such errand, so just leave me alone please” i bravely barked at him. His eyes instantly lit up in anger for a while before dying down again. “so i lost Lynda for nothing?” he asked, “if you know what’s good for you better go and apologize to her and pray she forgives you” i answered bitterly. “cyndii please don’t turn me into a wretch because you won’t like it” he muttered with a dirty smile, which really shook my poor legs and frightened me. “are you threatening me??” i asked nervously. He just smiled and walked away, leaving me in great fear, suspence and wonder. Truly Dave knows how to leave a lasting impression on anyone he targets and as he walked away that fateful evening i was left in deep thought as i tried to figure out what he meant by being left a wretch…. I locked my door showered and rushed into Benjamin’s room, deeply shaken and scared to my bones. All i needed that moment was his soothing words and caresses to calm my nerves, and a decent sex to bring my broken spirit back to life…. “baby hope you are okay?” he asked as soon as i landed on his body. I trembled as he touched me and quivered as his inexperienced hands caressed me, “baby hope you are alright?” he asked with concern, “please continue” i replied shamelessly. He shrugged and continued while i closed my eyes and enjoyed his gentle caresses. Even though we hardly admit it, we girls also do enjoy lovemaking just like guys, but the only difference is that we don’t need it quite often like them, nor behave as if our life depends upon it. His lips were soon on my bossom, sucking them one after the other hungrily. The warmth of his lips shook me greatly forcing me to moan gently. Benjamin was very gently as he sucked, caressed and romanced me all over. Even though he was still not an expert, there really was some improvement with the way he touched me that fateful evening. He equally was so gentle with loving words of concern which left his lips as he worked on me that i almost urinated on my pant when i couldn’t bear it any longer. Finally he wore a rubber and slowly lowered into me.I gasped for breathe as he buried the full length inside me. The fire it brought into my body was exactly what i needed that moment. I drew back my waist a little and recieved the whole length of his gift with pleasure. I sang into his ear as he dug in and out of me His tempo and breathe equally increased as he dug further. The look in his eyes were that of great pleasure happiness and love, while i smiled in contentment with hands wrapped over his neck… With a deep breathe and jerk, he {came} moments later, i closed my eyes with satisfaction and held him strongly. “Oh my Benjamin” i breathed to myself, before caressing his bare back for a while. “thanks” i whispered into his ear, which made him stare at me with surprise. I knew he must be wondering that moment what drew such word from my lips or what has come over me. However he said no word, but left moments later to dispose the used rubber. I equally got up afterwards and joined him in the bathroom where i freshened up, because i needed no second.He didnt't ask for more. Thats one of the things i like about him.p He never complains... EPISODE 32 COMES UP soon


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